Allen's Accounting & Tax Services

"Staying Focused on the ABCs of your Taxes"

Allen Scantland

The Tax Specialist

& Accountant

A little about me ...

Welcome to my practice! Have a look, if you have any questions reach out to me, and if my services interest you, I can sign you up.


I am a tax accountant, I consider myself an income tax specialist, though I am not a CPA. I’ve worked as such for over 2 decades.


What I present here is my private practice, a home-based business, where I offer my services and expertise to individuals, small businesses, estates, and trusts.


Aside from my private practice, I oversee a team of senior tax experts for Intuit Canada that respond to the Canada Revenue Agency’s audits of Intuit’s clients.


Previously, I had the pleasure of serving Canadians at the CRA running those national compliance programs, collecting taxes, and drafting tax legislation.  So, this has given me some "insight" into how the CRA operates and importantly what they are thinking of or looking for.


How I do taxes and accounting is by knowing my clients and the legislation, by keeping it factual and straightforward, often simple.  I wouldn't put forward anything I'm not willing to back up in front of the CRA or a court.


My Services

I offer a variety of tax accounting services, from the least complex "Vanilla" tax returns to the more complex "Chunky Monkey" tax returns.  There are other items on the menu that may appeal to your needs or tax accounting appetite.

(You might notice the food metaphor when I relate to my services.)


Tax Services


Most people don't have complex taxes; a few income slips, charitable donation receipts, or a few medical expenses.


This is my basic plan, but you still receive my expertise and professional advice.


Those with modest incomes, like students and some seniors, are under these basic services and receive a discount.


Tax Services

"Cherries Jubilee"

Some people have greater needs when it comes to their taxes. They have some rental property or investments, moving expenses, or complex medical reporting.


This would be my Premium Plan to prepare these tax returns, as they will require more detailed questions, analysis, and review, which will also receive more of my expertise and professional advice.



Tax Services

"Chunky Monkey"

Some people have complex circumstances when it comes to their income taxes. They have foreign income and tax credits, sole proprietorships or are owners of their corporate business, several rental properties, significant investments or even day trading.


This would be my Complex Plan to prepare these income tax returns, as they will require the most detailed questions, analysis, and legal research. These clients will receive a great deal more of my expertise and professional advice.


Tax Services

"Banana Split"

There is more than just Income Taxes that people can pay.  There are the tax on excess contributions to RRSPs, RESPs, RDSPs, and TFSAs.  Not filing these taxes returns will result in a penalty with interest.  Unfortunately, most people don't know how to complete these obscur tax returns or that there are tax waivers available to them.


My Specialty Tax Service plan is to prepare these special tax returns, as they will require a detailed understanding of that aspect of legislation, such as the Part X.1 tax as well as other sections of law. This was one of the national programs I ran at the CRA and was involved in ever aspect of it. In accepting this service, you will receive my comprehensive expertise and professional advice.

CRA Compliance & Audit Defence

"A Side of Steak"

The CRA has several levels of compliance programs, which is a big part of what they do. You have compliance for initial and post-assessments, supplemental reviews, desk audits, and detailed audits. Responding to the CRA requires an exact understanding of the law and detailed documentation, as well as a thorough review of the claims made on the return, where making a mistake can result in taxes and interest owed.


My CRA Compliance & Audit Defence plan will ensure your right to file a Notice of Objection is secured and you will receive through competent advice in the reply to the CRA's enquiries.

Bookkeeping & Payroll

"Meat & Potatoes"

Bookkeeping and Payroll are two additional services I provide to clients.


Accurate record-keeping and bookkeeping ensure you are able to meet any reporting requirements, and that you are not vulnerable to the CRA compliance and audit programs.  Without both, the CRA will easily deny your claims.

They also ensure you have the right financial information to stay in business. Without accurate record-keeping and bookkeeping, you would be running your business on a guess.


Accurate payroll is essential, you cannot make mistakes with or neglect your payroll.  Mistakes mean more that just penalties, it is the confidence of your staff in you and your business.  If you do not have the time or expertise to do payroll, hire me or someone competent to do it for you.

Accounting Advisory


Should you require accounting services beyond what is already stated (Taxes, Bookkeeping and Payroll or Audit Defence) I offer my Accounting Advisory services. This is fee-based billing, typically used for specific projects, including initial account set up or remediation.

If you require a lawyer for legal consultations or advice, or need a Chartered Professional Accountant please see my referral post Here.

Contact Me


I cannot do it All ...

I have some sound referrals if you need them.

DIY & Other

Tax Services

Not everyone would benefit from or want my services, which is why I recommend for the DIYer, those that want a little Assist and Review, or those that want their Full Services.


Likewise, if you want a tax specialist closer to you, I have a network of colleagues across Canada that I can refer you to.

Wills & Estates

Do you have:

1) Power of Attorney?

2) A Current Will?

These are essential, otherwise the courts make those important decisions for you. For those impaired individuals or estates, I need these documents to legally complete their income taxes.


You may choose online solutions, like, or if you prefer a lawyer to complete them I can refer you to one.

Legal  Advisory

Maybe you could have a life where you would not need a lawyer or the courts to resolve matters or defend your interests, but for many people that is not possible.

Some issues you may need expert help with are:

  • commercial & contract law,

  • landlord & tenant disputes,

  • tax court, or

  • divorce & separation agreements.

For some issues, you may choose online solutions, for all others you would benefit from professional representation from a lawyer, where I can refer you to one.

My Office